4 Ways To Profit From Mars4 NFTs & Tokens

4 min readJan 12, 2022


The World’s First Revenue-Generating Mars NFT

Is this NFT worth my time and money? This is the question that should be at the forefront of your mind when investing in NFTs.

Sorting the dross from the silver can be a difficult and time-consuming endeavor. With this in mind, we have prepared this document to familiarise you with the Mars4 project.

Mars4: Own, Colonise, Earn

Does the possibility of owning, colonising, and developing land on the world’s first virtual Mars sound enticing?

If so, welcome to Mars4!

Our NFTs represent land plots across the face of a virtual Mars that you can own, explore and develop to increase their value. In addition, you can earn real crypto in the upcoming Play To Earn game under development that takes place on your NFT land plots in the Mars4 Metaverse.

Unlike other NFT projects, Mars4 is developing an innovative vision that builds on contemporary issues and explores the future colonisation of Mars in depth.

This vision has a great potential to draw attention from investors and the wider community and has already proven to do so. The value of Mars4 NFTs is expected to continue to rise in the near future.


REVENUE-GENERATING MARS4 NFTs: The most important and easiest way to generate a passive income is through simply owning Mars Land NFTs. 51% of income from the Land NFTs is redistributed to the previous NFT owners, starting with Epoch 1. This redistribution in Mars4 dollars takes place after Epoch 2 is reached.

At the moment, more than 56,200 Mars4 Land NFTs have been sold, leaving only 3,800 NFTs left until the start of Epoch 2 and the beginning of the Epoch 1 Redistribution.

Don’t miss out on the chance to jump into Epoch 1 and collect the redistribution profit as early as possible.

MARS4 NFTs — GATEWAY TO MARS4 P2E GAME: Mars4 NFTs are a gateway to the P2E GAME currently under development. These NFTs are going to be integral to the game, allowing NFT holders to take the role of Landlords and granting them greater opportunities to increase the value of their NFTs. This P2E GAME will be open for all players, but only NFT holders will be able to become Landlords.


STAKING MARS4 TOKENS: You can earn passive income by staking Mars4 tokens on SushiSwap Onsen. You can get Mars4 tokens on SushiSwap, Bittrex, or MEXC exchanges. Crypto staking is the process of locking up crypto holdings in order to obtain rewards or earn interest.

TRADING MARS4 TOKENS: Mars4 Tokens are easily tradable on several well-known exchanges such as SushiSwap, Bittrex, or MEXC.

Super Rare NFTs and Why are They Locked?

The Mars4 Land NFT Economy is based on a scarcity principle (similar to a “Bonding Curve”). This ensures that the price of the NFT increases as the supply of available land decreases. NFTs are locked for the duration of this process to ensure that the price curve is enforced and that the rewards are distributed fairly. Unlocking NFTs would affect this system negatively and invalidate Epochs to the disappointment of our early investors (who bear the highest risk). The present structure ensures that the reward structure favours our earliest investors due to the scarcity principle of the Epochs.

The NFTs will be integral to the game and their importance cannot be understated. Therefore, we do not want to create a secondary economy on 3rd party sites such as Opensea or Rarible as this secondary trading would be detrimental to the Mars4 game economy.

This is why, for the long-term success and viability of the Mars4 Metaverse and all of our token holders and land owners, it is essential that the Land remains locked until the launch of the game.

Risk Disclosure Statement

The information contained in this document is not intended and should not be used or construed as an offer to sell, or a solicitation of any offer to buy. Investment involves risk. Past performance is not indicative of future performance. Investors should refer to the offering documentation of the product for detailed information (including risk factors) prior to investing in the product. If you have any query on the above information or any product offering documentation, you should seek independent professional advice.

The information in this document is not intended and should not be construed as investment, tax, legal, financial or other advice.

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🔥 MARS4 token & 1st Revenue Generating NFT in the Universe 🚀 www.mars4.me